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Remote Controlled Drones History of : Past, Present, and Future

Remote Controlled Drones

The term drone or UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) has a long history associated with it from as far back as 1907.What we have been taught from the past helps us to develop today’s present remote controlled drones and gives an insight into where the industry is heading. We’ve taken a look at drones in the past, and present, read on to learn more about the future.

The Past 

The remote control technology invented by Nikola Tesla first created back in 1898 was for unmanned torpedo boats. Intended for warfare, Tesla hoped that his creation would actually discourage conflict between nations. He reasoned that if each nation had the same technology to protecting its ports conflict could be avoided. While this never went the way Tesla intended, the first military drones were based on his remote control technology.

Invented in 1907 by Jacques Breguet, Louis Breguet, and Professor Charles Richet the earliest version of the quadcopter was introduced. Although the quadcopter could reach altitudes of several feet it basically was uncontrollable due to its large size.

World War I saw the government introduce unmanned aircraft into military operations. One of the first the Kettering Bug was brought into battle in 1915. Essentially this consisted of an unmanned torpedo. The Bug operated a little differently than remote-controlled drones of today. In order for the Bug to reach the target destination operators had to perform a bit of math on exactly how many engine revolutions it would take to hit its target. This number was critical because after that many revolutions the fins would detach from the body of the craft then both bomb and all would drop onto the target.

Throughout the 20th century improvements in technology continued. By 1950 unmanned helicopters were introduced, and by 1973 the Israeli military created the first modern military drone. Used mostly for surveillance purposes it was capable of live-streaming video.

A further step was taken in 1944, when the military created an unmanned aircraft the General Atomics AQ-1 Predator. This was capable of flying remotely, without a pilot on board. Primarily used for surveillance and intelligence-gathering purposes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Beyond just military drones, by 2006 people began to use drones for commercial applications. Oil companies began to inspect miles of pipeline in remote difficult terrain areas, and other industries began using them as well. Commercial FAA license’s began to be issued, and the door was then opened to recreational drones.

The Present

Currently, drones are used in a wide variety of applications. Commercial applications include farmers, realtors, construction workers, and many other industries. This results in a considerable saving in relation to conventional methods.

Used by law enforcement for surveillance and intelligence gathering and by the entertainment industry to capture unique angles. And they are still used by militaries worldwide for espionage, counter intelligence  and warfare.

The Future

Drone technology will continue to advance and in doing so further development in drone applications will come forward. Already large online corporations have begin to use drones to ship goods to consumers. Drones could be used to monitor traffic and in other law enforcement capacities. With the quality of HD cameras improving, the ability of amateur photographers to take professional-grade shots will also be improved.

Wrap up

Next time you fly your drone, take a moment to appreciate the history behind it. Drone technology has come a long way in the past 120 years. It will be interesting to see as drone technology develops what the next 120 years have in store.

I began researching drones and their applications to address concerns that many have regarding flying restrictions and operational safety.
This is becoming more and more prevalent now as drones become more advanced and applications increase.

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