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The Best 4 Drone Tracker Devices

For a beginner or an established drone pilot, at some time or other your drone could be lost. Drones can disappear from your line of sight end up in a tree, run out of power due to battery failure, or collide with an obstacle. This happens and when it does you will need some means to recover your drone. Both professional and enthusiastic hobbyists invest in a drone tracker for this very reason, to avoid the hassle and inconvenience of a lost drone. Trackers offer various features and functions which reflect the price you will pay, regardless of your budget you will always find one to suit.

How Do Drone Trackers Work?

Trackers work through GPS, RF, or Bluetooth. The most common are GPS and RF due to the longer range frequency capability. Bluetooth are new to the market and do not have the same range. Normally a chip is attached to your drone allowing it to be tracked. Tracking in real time is achieved through synching the chip to your mobile via an app. GPS signals come via satellite and can be a subscription only service. Also with GPS you need to maintain line of sight to the drone at all times. The same applies for RF signal trackers with line of sight, the only difference is a subscription services is not always necessary.

  1. Marco Polo Launch and Recovery System

The RF-based Marco Polo Launch and Recovery System can track up to two miles away provided you maintain line-of-sight at all times. No cell service or contract is required for drone tracking. The only time the device is activated is when you press the button on the controller avoiding any RF interference with the tag on the device. Once activated you have 10 days to begin locating the tag on your drone.

  1. Trackimo GPS Tracker

Quality comes at a price and Trackimo is no exception, this respected brands subscription service is $5.00 per month. For that you receive a GPS drone tracker service with worldwide coverage, SOS button, text messaging alerts together with real time monitoring.

  1. DroneScape’s FindTheDrone

The GPS tracker from DroneScape’s FindTheDrone is also a subscription service at $5 per month. FindTheDrone GPS tracker real-time drone tracking service features the ability to text, sync with an app, and even call your drone. A drone can be an expensive investment so it makes sense to protect it.

  1. Loc8Tor Lite

The Loc8Tor Lite is an inexpensive RF-tracker providing a simple solution to track your drone. RF based with two sensor tags, working distance of 400 feet, again line of sight needs to be established at all times. For this price you have no app compatibility. Audio and blinking lights on the handset give alerts when close to the tag.

Wrap Up

Like any other form of investment a drone needs to be protected as it can be a significant purchase. A quality GPS drone tracker will provide that level of security and keep your drone safe. Choose from the list provided here all deliver on both features and affordability.

Dylan Craig

I began researching drones and their applications to address concerns that many have regarding flying restrictions and operational safety.
This is becoming more and more prevalent now as drones become more advanced and applications increase.

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